I never realize during the winter months just how much I miss the sun. But then we get a beautiful day like today and I realize I've been craving the sun's rays. I throw my arms up skyward and want to sing, and dance, and cry out thanks for the soft golden light.
The boys were loving it too, as were our newly planted flowers. Lucien was a great help today and together we planted, sunflowers, nasturtiums, snapdragons, stocks, cosmos, and a variety of other "flower garden" mixes. All the seeds were started in biodegradable coconut-husk planters, which will disintegrate once they are planted. And what's better; I can finally share it with you as I received a new camera for my birthday!
I didn't realize just how much of a difference a new camera would make, but the photos turned out much better than the ones I was taking with the old one. Shots such as this would never have been possible:
The first leaves just begin to open on our plum tree.
An unexpected surprise; lilies breaking up through the undergrowth....
Our onions, growing like weeds under the canopy of the "greenhouse." And what's that between them? Yes, that's right, weeds.
I still cannot believe how fast our rhubarb is growing. I just cannot wait for that strawberry-rhubarb jam!
It was wonderful to spend the afternoon outside with the boys, even though I spent more time chasing after Marcus than I did weeding. He's walking now, and doesn't understand why he has to stay in the yard, and not run after the leaves or sticks or other things that catch his fancy. Would that I could be like that, too!
Sometimes I think it's absolutely providential that strawberries and rhubarbs should be out in the same season. They seem made for each other!